Our Funders
Our Impact 2023/242023/24 Strategic Funders
These funders enabled us to achieve our strategic aims

2023/24 Project Funders
These funders enabled individual projects to take place in specific regions or with specific audiences
- Belstead Ganzoni Charitable Settlement
- Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust
- Chivers Trust
- Derbyshire County Council
- Essex County Council
- Gillian Dickinson Trust
- Hays Travel Foundation
- Hull and East Riding Charitable Trust
- Michael Cornish Charitable Trust
- Sir James Knott Trust
- The Joicey Trust
- The Joseph and Annie Cattle Trust
- The Ovingdean Hall Foundation
- The Thistle Trust
- Three Monkies Trust
Research and reports
Insight published about our activity, and case studies and reports from our recent projects.