Orchestras Live believes orchestras are for everyone. We are a national producer and create projects where music and creativity can thrive. We work with communities across England to forge new opportunities and access to world-class orchestral experiences.

Now in our 60th year, we have worked with artistic and community partners on innovative and developmental approaches to issues such as co-creation, place-making, community cohesion, orchestral programming and presentation, digital production, diversity and inclusion and cultural regeneration in historically under-invested areas. Through our achievements we have built a reputation as a leader for the sector, with an emphasis on the areas of creative health, music education, and diversity and inclusion.

We receive funding from Arts Council England as a National Portfolio Organisation. Our other principal funding sources are co-investment from local partners (local authorities, music education hubs, community organisations), grants from private trusts and foundations and earned income through Business Innovation.

Orchestras Live collaborates with a rich array of partners in the North and our regional partnership network has considerably strengthened since the introduction of the Regional Producer – North role in 2019. The Community Impact Coordinator role has been introduced as part of our strategy to deepen and extend our partnership work with communities.

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