Partner Blog: Regeneration with North Walsham High School
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Composer, James Redwood, and players from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, spent two days in January, working with music and dance students at North Walsham High School.
Working alongside the music and dance teachers at the school, we created a piece called Regeneration. Inspired by the redevelopment and landscaping work in the town centre through the Heritage Action Zone, we explored music from the past and then created our own music of today using lively syncopated rhythms and lyrical melodies.
Between now and May the dance students will be choreographing the piece, which they will perform together with OAE musicians in the Market Place. They'll also perform the piece in a concert Music for a Spring Evening at St Nicholas Church on Thursday 11 May.
Student comments after the two days:
Probably the best two days of my school life!
I felt really comfortable to try harder things at the piano – when it worked out I felt very proud of myself.
Having two days to work together meant we had the time to create something wonderful.
It was such a joy to have you at the school. Students were so happy (and tired!) the following day! I saw all my Year 10’s express themselves more freely and I can see how they have all experienced the positives of playing as an ensemble.
~ Tadzik Kaznowski, Head of Music
This project is part of the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Cultural Programme and the OAE is delighted to be a partner, alongside national producer Orchestras Live, in bringing communities and generations together to share in creating inspirational and accessible music experiences that celebrate the living heritage of North Walsham.
Cherry Forbes, Education Director, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment